Activating Quantum tab from Property View will show the information based on the calculation result of Quantum chemistry.
It is in text format, so that you can select a section with a mouse to copy for other works.
Information List
This tab provides a total of 64 kinds of information.
Quantum Mechanics Information Atoms Charge Multiplicity Electrons Alpha Electrons Beta Electrons Basis Functions Contracted Shells Highest Angular Momentum Largest Deg. of Contraction Primitive Shells Virial Ratio Total Energy Atomic Numbers Nuclear Charges Cartesian Coord. Int Atom Types MM Charge Atomic Wt. Real Atomic Wt. Atom Residue Info. Atom Fragment Info. Atom Residue Num. Nuclear Spins Nuclear Zeff Nuclear Qmom Nuclear Gfac MicOpt Constraint Structure ONIOM Charges ONIOM Multiplicities Atom Layers Atom Modifiers Int Atom Mod. Types Link Atoms Atom Mod. MM Charges Link Distance NBond IBond RBond Shell Types Primitives / Shell Shell to Atom Map Primitive Exponents Contraction Coeff. S=P Contraction Coeff. Coord. of Each Shell Alpha Orb. Energies Beta Orb. Energies Alhpa MO Coeff. Beta MO Coeff. Total SCF Density Magnetic Field P1 (GIAO) Cartesian Gradient Cartesian Force Constants Dipole Moment NMR Shielding Spin-Rot. Tensors Qeq Coupling Tensors Mulliken Charges Opt. Point 1 Results for Each Geom. Opt. Point 1 Geom. Opt. Point 1 Grad. at Each Geom. Opt. Num. of Geom.