General Search
Extended Search
No. of Molecules
Extract Descriptor
It opens a general search window where it is possible to search with molecular formula, molecular name, and molecular structure.
It opens an extended search window where it is possible to search with Number of Atoms, Molecular Weight, InChI, and Property Value.
It moves to the 1st page of molecule search result.
It moves to the previous page of molecule search result.
It moves to the next page of molecule search result.
It moves to the last page of molecule search result.
It moves to the selected page of molecule search result.
It sets a number of molecules that will be displayed on molecule search result.
It arranges molecule search result. For arrangement criteria, there are Formula, Molecular Weight and Name. For arrangement type, it is possible to select ascending order and descending order.
It saves the information of molecular descriptor on the selected molecule among searched molecules from DB, by using molecular structure file (with extension of mol or sdf).